I am looking to upgrade and make a good gaming system i have it up and running right now but will be upgrading soon, here are my specs;
Proc: Core I7 920, Oc'ed to 3Ghz Stock air cooling, idle at 36C
RAM: OCZ 6GB DDR3 1333
MoBo: DX58SO
Video: EVGA Nvidia GeForce 8800GT super clocked
HDD: seagate 500GB sataII
Case: Older CoolerMaster w/side panel and front 80mm intake, 120mm rear out.
PSU: 600W Manhattan, (Picked it up from where i worked, was free so gonna use it till next paycheck)
Looking to upgrade;
Proc: no
Ram: no
MoBo: no
Video: Looking to SLI two 260's 216pipeline, and do later do the step up to two 285's
HDD: getting a 64GB SSD maybe another 500GB sataII
Case: Antec 1200
PSU: not sure what one to go with, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817702015 or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817171049 I am looking for one that is modular and will give me enough power for my system.
I will also be adding water cooling soon, so any suggestions on some good kits i could buy would be awsome.
Proc: Core I7 920, Oc'ed to 3Ghz Stock air cooling, idle at 36C
RAM: OCZ 6GB DDR3 1333
MoBo: DX58SO
Video: EVGA Nvidia GeForce 8800GT super clocked
HDD: seagate 500GB sataII
Case: Older CoolerMaster w/side panel and front 80mm intake, 120mm rear out.
PSU: 600W Manhattan, (Picked it up from where i worked, was free so gonna use it till next paycheck)
Looking to upgrade;
Proc: no
Ram: no
MoBo: no
Video: Looking to SLI two 260's 216pipeline, and do later do the step up to two 285's
HDD: getting a 64GB SSD maybe another 500GB sataII
Case: Antec 1200
PSU: not sure what one to go with, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817702015 or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817171049 I am looking for one that is modular and will give me enough power for my system.
I will also be adding water cooling soon, so any suggestions on some good kits i could buy would be awsome.