I wanted to ask if my system will work properly. I am concerned because of something I read on Newegg's website. I plan to buy this http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1719464 and then add this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231617&cm_re=g.skill_trident_x_16gb_ddr3_2133_pc3_17000-_-20-231-617-_-Product to have 32gb on my new motherboard and cpu setup. My issue is the warning about the memory having compatibility issues even with the same exact model. Combination with other memory kits or modules (even with same model number) is not recommended to avoid any compatibility issues. Is the warning copied and pasted from the Newegg website. Thoughts? Suggestions? please and thank you.