*NEW* Titan x possible bandwidth issues


Jun 9, 2015
Will I have any bandwidth issues if I get a *new*(hasn't yet been released) Titan X? My understanding is the gp102 architecture is not to far from hitting the cap of pcie3. I'm running an ASUS RAMPAGE V EDITION 10 with 2 pciex16/8 and 2 pciex8 along with an Intel Core i7-5820K. I know the GTX1080 I recently purchased is safe, but what about the Titan X with its 30% performance increase?

Also which slot should I use for the Titan x? A pciex16/8 or pciex8?

Here are the Titan X specs:
We're nowhere near saturating the PCIe gen 3 bus. I think you're confusing memory bandwidth (Between GPU and onboard VRAM) and the data capacity between CPU and PCIE Gen 3 devices. I rant a bit about the titan x below.

Consider this, a single PCIe 3.0 lane, at 8GT/s (gigatransfers per second), can send 985MB/s. So at x16 thats 15,780MB/s.

We're nowhere near saturating the PCIe gen 3 bus. I think you're confusing memory bandwidth (Between GPU and onboard VRAM) and the data capacity between CPU and PCIE Gen 3 devices. I rant a bit about the titan x below.

Consider this, a single PCIe 3.0 lane, at 8GT/s (gigatransfers per second), can send 985MB/s. So at x16 thats 15,780MB/s.


The general consensus seems to be that the 1080s in SLI won't get me the performance I'm looking for in every game since it depends on a few factors: drivers, game development, etc. I understand that SLI performance varies from game to game.