New to building


Sep 30, 2016
Hello. I just built my first computer. I have an MSI 990fx motherboard, AMD 8350 CPU, MSI Radeon rx 480, gskills ripjaw 8gb of ram, and a Corsair 750 Watt power supply. I fired it up last night and received 5 beeps from the motherboard. Googled it and found out it's a CPU error. Pulled CPU out to verify there were no bent pins and installation was correct. All good there. Not sure what to do now. Any suggestions for this NOOB would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I will try your suggestions as soon as I can. Unfortunately working alot this weekend. I should add that I do get the MSI LOGO on my monitor. Not sure if that matters. I'm very new to this so bare with me. Thank you all for you suggestions. I will repost as soon as I can!
Thank you all for your help. I came across a thread while researching the problem. It stated that not having the keyboard plugged in would cause this error. Sure enough. I got home from work, plugged the keyboard in, and it worked! Thank you all again. I'm sure you'll hear from me again as I start loading software.