New To Making Computers


Apr 8, 2009
Hey I'm new to the forum and the reason I joined was to get to know a few of ye and learn how to build computers. I'm an application developer and coding is more my thing then actually making a computer from scratch.

I was looking through your forum and anyone who asked for help knew what they needed but didn't know how to go about building it, but my problem is I don't know what I need.
How does someone decide on what motherboard they need and how do they find out what else goes with it?


Feb 15, 2009

Basically, you decide what CPU you want first. Higher clock speeds mean better performance, you want a good FSB (front side bus), and good cache. Lotsa cache is always good lol.
Next you chose a mobo (motherboard) based on the socket. If it's LG775, then you need an LG775 mobo. Or LGA 1336, etc.
Then you chose ram (make sure speeds are correct and compatible- i7's (LGA 1336) require DDR3.
Then you add accessories like sound cards and video cards (<- gamers love these).
Basically, shop around, but don't buy. Just look and get a feel for everything (read reviews, come here often) and get to know the parts. In a few weeks, come back with a nice build for us to "check out" or "see if it's compatible".
Good Luck
*When I first got into building computers, I read a book on the subject. Sounds cheesy, but helped A LOT. Look at your local bookstore :D*