New to OC Looking for some pushes in the right direction! :)


Feb 26, 2015
Virgin post so bear with me!

Current build is as follows:

AMD FX 8320 3.5hz
Asus gtx 970
ASUS M5A97 R2.0
Patriot Viper Xtreme DDR3 4X2
Cooler Master eXtreme Power 600W ATX Power Supply
NZXT Phantom 410 Black/Red

Was considering the Cooler master 212 evo for Overclocking. Is it worth it or other suggestions?
Also, is it worth it even trying to OC my cpu or should I just save and upgrade? I would like to get my 8320 around 4gz if possible!

Any help would be appreciated!

212 evo is decent,raijintek themis is cheaper & as good.
4ghz will be a cinch with either on your motherboard - normally doable without touching voltages at all.

Awesome thanks for the quick response! I'm looking into the raijintek themis as we speak! What would be limit since you said 4gz wouldn't break a sweat. Also, what are some good OC guides you recommend or should I just make a new thread for this question?