New to PC gaming and looking for upgrades...

Oct 29, 2018
Im new to PC gaming and looking to upgrade my current PC to be able to play some of the newer games coming out. I wanna slowly upgrade my PC over time and Im stuck on where exactly to start. If anyone has any recommendations I would love to hear some.

Current specs:
CPU Type
AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Quad-Core Processor
Graphics Chipset
Radeon RX 580 Series

It's not a bad entry level gaming machine for 1080P as is and the RAM probably is the first thing that will cause you issues so I agree there.
For general quality of life but no advantage to gaming an SSD for the boot drive is nice to have if you don't already.

What resolution and refresh rate is your monitor and do you plan to stick with it or upgrade? Graphics cards faster than say a 1070 or 1070Ti are largely wasted at 1080P 60 hz for example but if you want to go QHD or 4K or 1080P 144hz then the faster the better. 144hz would need a CPU upgrade as well though possibly.

After the graphics card maybe the CPU - but personally I'd leave that until you actually run into performance issues because Zen2 may arrive by then. Right now though the 2600 & 2600X are great options but you'd want to upgrade the BIOS first.

My monitor is 60 hz 1080p
If I wanted to upgrade the graphics card, would I have to stick with AMD radeon series???

I will be upgrading it eventually. Then why does my game chugg when I try playing the new COD?? Would upgrading the ram help that???