new to the computer building scene


Jan 2, 2014
Hello this will be my first ever computer to put together and i was just wondering if all the components that i am looking at will work together or if i need to get other ones. I would like to run game like Dayz, Battlefield, etc... without putting it on the lowest quality. Anyways if y'all could just critique my build so far and tell me what i'm missing or what i could use that would be better. I'm trying to stick in the price range of the items already chosen but I'm willing to over on some components



Hard Drive

Power Supply

Graphics Card


Thanks for the help in advance
Yes all the parts will wor together. Do not go with the Corsair CX series, they have bad reviews. Other corsair lines, seasonic, xfx, evga, rosewill, and silverstone are good PSU brands. As far as what you are missing is a case, CPU cooler unless you plan on using the OEM one, and an optical drive unless you plan on using a usb stick to install an OS. Oh yeah, and you need an OS.

i was looking at this case

That's a nice case, but I honestly wouldn't spend that much on a case, unless I have like a $2000 budget

Rather get a cheaper case for around $50 or less and invest the rest on a better graphics card

Also, try and look for an atx mid tower case, as those are cheaper

That case what you chose is a full tower case and is more suited for heavy overclocking (running big coolers, water cooling..........) and sli/crossfire configurations
Let me direct you too a sight called pcpartpicker. Just look it up and click the first option. You will figure it out front there. It will print your build get you rebates free games and tell how much wattage you need as well as total cheapest price and compatability.