New to Windows 7

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Yvee Loke

Dec 1, 2010
Hi I just got windows 7 and windows live mail with it. I have to say that I absolutely HATE the new windows live mail!!! With its sub folders and everything coming back that I sent out with their replies.
I really miss Windows Mail - it was so simple to use....
Why fix something that is not broken???
Who uses Windows live mail anyways. Just grade-A bloatware. Outlook/Express/Tbird does just fine for most people. The only 'Windows live' crapware I use is the Movie-maker- & I'm embarrassed to admit that. Just too much work learning to use a new program for the little Video Editing that I do.
Who uses Windows live mail anyways. Just grade-A bloatware. Outlook/Express/Tbird does just fine for most people. The only 'Windows live' crapware I use is the Movie-maker- & I'm embarrassed to admit that. Just too much work learning to use a new program for the little Video Editing that I do.

hi thanks for answering...
I've nevfer heard of outlook Tbird... can I use it with my cable mail? When I got Windows 7 I was told that I had to use Windows live Mail... I used to use windows mail and before that outlook express. I liked those but now I can't get those with windows 7...

where can I get outlook tbird?

thanks again
thanks so much for answering..
I tried it yesterday but found it didn't have as many options as the other one I'm used to. And when I removed it, it took along all my addresses in my Yahoo mailbox/address book.
a bit disappointing but I will be able to re-enter them eventually.
thanks again for trying to help.

this sounds like just a simple configuration of the options and interface..
You should change your default E-Mail client first!

Control Panel>Default Programs or Programs>Default Programs>Set program access and computer default>Custom>Choose Default E-Mail Client.

I don't use Live Mail, but once you set it as default, it must then give you an option to import settings and contacts from your previous client (in this case, Tbird). That way, you wouldn't lose anything. Should have asked before removing. In any case, you didn't have to remove it either.

If you use MS Office, you can use Outlook maybe?

hi Cal,
thanks again... for your persistence🙂
when I got windows 7, I was told that live mail was my only option.
I have Office 2003; I don't know if it has outlook option. I've never seen a mail option.
I'll check it out. thanks
If you're running teacher & student, standard, small business or professional editions of Office '03, you do have Outlook. And yes, it will be compatible with Windows 7.

Personally, I loved Outlook '03, but even without trying out Windows Live Mail, something tells me that it'll be better than something from so long ago. You can download the 2011 version of Live Mail, if you're still running the 2009 version.
you've been very kind, thanks.

I found outlook on office but I don't know how to make the change and I think I'm starting to get used to windows live mail... you are right, I'm sure - it's better than using something so old... although I tried Office 2010 free trial and I had some problems after that... so I'll just keep going with the new changes🙂
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