New Update stops Windows Mail on Windows 7


Mar 11, 2010
Latest M/S Security Update (KB978542) appears to stop Windows Mail (which I took from Windows Vista) from opening. Any known cure for this?
Yes I'm having the same problem uninstalling it allows for mail to start working.....not sure were get anything from anyone as all I get now is the famous words "use windows live".
No thanks I'm fine with good old mail.
Hi, I'm not sure what you mean by uninstalling it, then allows the mail to start working but I have found a cure (assuming WM is still installed of course!).

One needs to change a file within WM......the file msoe.dll needs to be changed to another of the same name but it needs to be Version 6.0.6002.18005. (1579kb)

Also in order to ensure that you can opt to arrange that WM is the default mail client, you can run a small registy fix with a file called Windows Mail.reg (33kb)

I have both files if you need them but I'm not sure if I can put them on this
Cheers . Yeah I just unistalled the windows update and mail started working.But that wasn't an ideal situation.
Anyway how did you find out about the file and version number.....seems a bit random.
Does the mail.reg fix the mailto: problem as well thats another problem I'm trying to sort out.
I had this issue also.

I was able to fix it this way:

In Explorer browse to
c:\Program Files\Windows Mail

Right click on mseo.dll and select properties.

Click on the tab "Previous Versions".

usually there will be a version from a few months ago.

Drag it to your desktop

Rename the mseo.dll file in the Windows Mail folder to msoe.dll.bak and then replace with the previous version.

After I did this all is working well again on 2 computers affected.
Hi Casandra

This is starting to get over my head. It's such a great pity that M/S cannot or will not, offer Windows Mail at least as an option for use in Windows 7. Then all the thousands of posts on all manner of forums & other sites on this subject, would cease & people could simply get on with their business. I've picked up most of my information on the subject, at but I will admit I'm not willing (or possibly even able) to solve this issue in a possibly permanent way (as described yet untested). Obviously I couldn't say for certain, but I'd suggest that something like 99% of Windows 7 users (plus those contemplating the upgrade to 7) would be far far happier if they could simply download WM from M/S & have it in Windows 7. Mr. Average is either not able, not willing or not even permitted to carry out the fixes discussed on this site nor any other. Certainly from what I've heard around the traps, this lack of one being able to use WM officially, is by far the biggest gripe people are having with Windows 7. If you or anyone else has any influence, then please use it to encourage this move.