New Upgrade and question about bottleneck


Dec 10, 2014
Hey guys what do you think about the new R9 Fury Non X version? im planning to upgrade from my 7870 XT. Im aiming for ultra 60+ FPS at 1080p i highly doubt ill be upgrading my Monitor anytime soon.
Also im selling my 7870 XT to my friend he wants a good cheap cpu any ideas of one that would be effective and does not bottleneck the 7870 XT? is the Athlon X4 860k good for the 7870 XT? what about the Pentium G3258?

thanks in advanced !
i tried looking around. it seems performance wise that pentium is a bit ahead. though it is only dual core CPU. the Athlon is quad core cpu. for gaming that athlon probably better choice since it is quad core cpu. that 7870 XT should work fine with both.