new video card psu cable question.


Aug 2, 2010
hi guys.

im getting my r9 280x on 8 nov and i just found out that it requires a 6pin+8pin psu cables.

now i have 2x6pin cables so i asked one of my friends and he told me to use a 6pin to 8pin converter its like 6pin female to 6pin+2pin male.

will this work well?

or should i buy a new psu (which i cant afford now 🙁 ).

thanks in advance :)

Yes that'll be fine, not the best PSU brand but will be enough.

Go ahead and buy a molex

What PSU do you have?

There's nothing wrong with using a Molex, but it might be worth an upgrade for a card like that

Yes that'll be fine, not the best PSU brand but will be enough.

Go ahead and buy a molex