New video cards (looking for help please)


Feb 8, 2013
Alright I finally made a decision to go with the 7970's, since they are pretty much the best on the market right now, and beat everything in performance that nvidia brings to the table..
With that being said, I come to the difficulty of deciding what actual cards to get...

I am currently using 3 Asus VG24Q8E 144hz monitors in eyefinity. They use either a dual link dvi port, or a display port in order to produce the 144hz. So when choosing the video cards, I need them to be able to be compatible with these monitors.

I'm looking for the best 7970's I can get that will give me top notch performance, and be compatible with my set-up. I was going to go with the MSI Lightnings, or the Asus Matrix, as they both seemed to be the top dogs, and had the ports that I needed, but it seems they are discontinued/out of stock every single place I look, and now I don't know where to go from here.

Can any one point me in the right direct for the the best/top performing 7970's available that I will be able to use with my set-up?

I also intend on water cooling if, if possible.
