New win-10 license when changing motherboard?

Jun 28, 2018
So i will be building a new PC form scratch and I wonder if I still can still be using the old windows i got on my old computer? I looked at guides but they are all saying that it will or will not work when you got this and that, so i want to confirm this.

I got the windows 10 OS on a USB drive (don't have it anymore i think) and it has always been win 10. Then i probably need the license key, where exactly do i find that? When i am ready to turn on the new pc is it just to take the ssd whit win 10 from the old pc and connect it to the new one?

Thank you for the support and have a nice autumn all!
If you have a retail license you can change it from one pc to another. If the license is OEM, you can not do it.

The fact of not keeping the usb does not matter at all because you can, at any moment, generate an usb installer from the microsoft website.

If you have a digital license from the free update from windows 7/8, you have a means to transfer the license from one computer to another, as long as you open your session with a microsoft user and not a local user. You can google in microsoft for more details of the procedure to follow.

By placing the ssd in the new motherbord it will detect the change of the motherboard and ask for the activation.

It is always recommended that when changing the motherboard a clean installation of w10 is done.

Not entirely true. The store bought OEM copies of Wiin 10 are now like retail copies and can be moved. The only the preinstalled OEM versions(Dell, HP, etc) are tied to the original hardware and not movable.