new windforce 290 not functional, could use help


May 4, 2014
Just bought a gigabyte r9 290 windforce, when powering on the pc, a small green light flips on on the card, but the fans don't come on and there is no video output.

I have tried a different pci-e slot as well as swapping out different power cables.

Any help would be appreciated.

Windows 7 Professional 64
Intel i7 2600
MSI P67A-G43
Just swapped out the power supply to a Antec high current gamer 620, same result.
Wattage calculator says i should only be using 450w, so i don't think its the PS.

I'll try to pop it in another pc as soon as i can.

Does the small green led indicate anything? i tried searching, but there wasn't much info on it.
Just swapped out the power supply to a Antec high current gamer 620, same result.
Wattage calculator says i should only be using 450w, so i don't think its the PS.

I'll try to pop it in another pc as soon as i can.

Does the small green led indicate anything? i tried searching, but there wasn't much info on it.

Is your card also a gigabyte 290?
If so, where is the second led located.