New Windows 10 PC comes pre-borked


Oct 2, 2016
I just got a new GUA530 desktop by CyberpowerPC. Right out of the box it's rife with errors causing BSODs. Among others Kmode Exception Not Handled, IRQL Not Less or Equal, Memory Management, and many others.

Win 10 Home (64-bit)
AMD FX-4300 Quad core processor
AMD Radeon R7 360 GPU

If you spend any amount of money on any new item and you open the box and that item doesn't work, there is no question that item goes back to the seller to give you a working one.

In your case you set yourself up for this by buying a Cyberpower, known for coming out of the box pre-borked. IMO return it, come here with your budget and we can set you up with a build that will be far faster, and better for the same price.

Send it back.

If you spend any amount of money on any new item and you open the box and that item doesn't work, there is no question that item goes back to the seller to give you a working one.

In your case you set yourself up for this by buying a Cyberpower, known for coming out of the box pre-borked. IMO return it, come here with your budget and we can set you up with a build that will be far faster, and better for the same price.

No, it's not a win 10 thing.
It's a brand new system. It's supposed to work, right out of the box.
I wouldn't spend more than about 60 seconds trying to 'fix it'.

I would guess maybe something not connected quite right, or bad RAM, or some actual incompatible parts.