New York SAFE Act Rendered Ineffective By Old Fashion American Ingenuity

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From the Guardian...New York assault weapons ban circumvented with simple modification

This short video does a fine job demonstrating just how pointless the SAFE Act is and misguided gun control laws are. Of particular interest are the comments regarding an outright ban on all semi-auto rifles and pistols as well as the comments regarding the definition of an "assault weapon".

The reporter incorrectly calls the changes to the AR15 a "loophole" when reality is the changes make it AR15 compliant with New York's SAFE Act. Calling it a loophole not only demonstrates the reporters bias but also alludes to the wet-dream desire of anti-gun advocates to ban all firearms.

Glad to see that American ingenuity and the entrepreneurial spirit are alive and well.

It's probably a new foundational approach to go after all semi-auto weapons including pistols.

Which I am sure they would love to do, to leave us all with bolt action rifles, single shot shotguns, and revolvers, then back to flintlock ball and black powder weapons, and eventually back to bows and arrows, and then sticks and stones! :pfff:
Why the hell guns all the time! It is enough already with people being killed constantly!


Marv, Honestly did you think guns would disappear overnight, and you wake up one morning in a gun free world?

Man is his own worst enemy Marv, and he's been devising ways of killing others long before any gun was ever made!

I'm a hunter and I'll be damned if anyone is taking my guns. I'm sure you've heard "Guns don't kill people. People kill people."

I'm more afraid of being killed on the road by some idiot texting on his phone than being shot. Car deaths were 3x higher than gun deaths in the USA in 2013. Should we ban all cars?

Plus we have hot redheaded geek women ... who won't shoot you ... and might just be impressed with your processor speed !!


The ironic thing about cars is that they are never mentioned in the Constitution whereas the right to bear arms is. It's ironic because the Federal government and States have more regulatory power over cars than they do a person's weapon of choice but yet there is never a mention about how there are consistently more deaths as a result of cars than firearms.

The fact that the anti-gun crowd screams about saving children and doing things for the good of the people and then ignore the facts about deaths by cars compared to firearms and then willing chooses to do nothing to limit the people's ability to drive while violating the people's Constitutional and Civil rights only points to a desire to disarm the people.

It's also ironic that progressives actively promote education and the need for better public schools, more schools funding, guaranteed college loans, etc and then completely ignore public education as a means to promote firearms safety. It just seems to me that if education was truly that important and stopping gun deaths were really a concern, then progressives would embrace public education as a means to promote firearms safety and an end to preventing gun deaths.

Very interesting points chunkymonster.

I'd much rather see a law requiring that anyone that wants to purchase a gun must take a gun saftey and usage course. After all, most states require you pass a hunter saftey course before they can issue a hunting license.

I can't see how any normal person can't use common sense to see it's not the gun doing the killing. Most anything can be used as a lethal weapon in the wrong person's hands.

Much to the chagrin of many 2nd Amendment supporters, the notion of States requiring citizens take a safety course is well within the State's rights and would be Constitutional to do. And, being a 2A support, I would support a State level movement for a gun safety course requirement, not as a requirement to purchase or own firearms, but as a requirement for concealed carry. All things considered, if you require that someone take a hunter's education course to hunt, require someone to take a driver's education course to drive, then it stands to reason that if a person takes and passes a gun safety course then they should be allowed to carry a concealed weapon.

Requiring a gun safety course just to purchase and/or own a firearms would open too many other issues and is, IMO, unreasonable. After all, you do not need a driver's license to purchase and/or own a car, you do not need a fishing license to purchase and/or buy a fishing pole. So, it also stands to reason that you should not need to take a gun safety course to purchase and/or own a firearm.

Hrmmm... sure you can buy a car, but you can't legally drive it without a driver's license. You can also buy a fishing pole, but you can't legally use it without a fishing license. Think of passing a gun saftey course as getting your firearms license.

Of course, people that already own firearms should be exempt.
Problem is the most vocal advocates are the crazies ... so listening to calm rational thought from you lot isn't something I feel comfortable with.

It wasn't that ong ago that I was closing heaps of threads on guns because you guys were discussing the best way to kill people - ammunition / tactics / etc.

I don't think this thread is going to last long.

An extremely unfortunate incident. Just drives home the point that there is evil in the world and there are no laws that can prevent anyone from committing acts of evil. As they say, you cannot legislate morality.

Any tragedy should be investigated to determine the motivations of the perpetrator. Just look at the last several perpetrators of mass shootings, they were all mentally ill, needed medication to remain stable, and were either under the care of a therapist or were being evaluated. It's also unfortunate that the knee-jerk reaction is to always blame the tool used, except in cases like this; which is typical of any progressive agenda, it's either their way or nihilism.

@ Reynod - all things considered, I understand why you shut down the other threads. But, I would ask, that as long as this thread remains reasonable, please keep it open. Also note that I agree with closing it at the first instance of anyone posting ways to hurt, harm, or otherwise imply the best way to kill anyone. Thanks!

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