New Zotac 260GTX turns off the computer


Jan 7, 2007
My 8800GTS just got crazy after two years of working hard...
So I bought a new Zotac 260GTX (the 192 version), and installed it today.

Started playing COD4 with the full settings and it worked sooo great! (Top notch card!)
I also played Street Fighter 4, and got full 60FPS... just love it.

BUT! when I play BF2 (With the max settings) after 5-10 min. the computer just turn off!

I've plugged the two big electricity plugs...

I don't see any reason for this to happened ONLY on BF2....

any idea?


Edgard of Rivia

Sep 2, 2009
Your PSU can't handle the card, most likely.

Since you've asked this about 15 days ago, I think you got it solved now right?!

Anyway, you need 36 amps available for all your 12v rails to be able to use the card. Its not just add them up, you got to check how many watts you have for the 12v rails, which is different than how many your PSU supposedly delivers, and use it on this formula: W=V.a
So, check your PSU's wattage for the 12v rails and do the math. (you actualy dont need that many amps. It depens on your whole system, but they put it like that just to be on the safe side)

There is no special reason why it turns off with that game. high performance demand = high energy demand. So, it could turn off with any game (ok, maybe not with an old one :) ), depends on how long were you using it on full-load, and how long can your current PSU hold.

Good luck!