Newbie gaming pc help


Jul 16, 2013
My plans:

CPU: i7-3930k
Gpu: nvidia gtx 690
RAM: Kingston beast 8gb
SSD: Samsung 840 pro 125gb
HDD: 1tb 7200rpm anything
Motherboard: something compatible but allowing to add more RAM

And I'd like to know if it will run next gen games, and how well...

Thanks in advance

What about the upcoming games? Like Watch Dogs, GTA V, etc...

I don't plan on more than gaming, so 16GB will be good I guess.

It says newbie, so I don't have the knowledge to how overclock the processor, but I'll check it...

So, 16gb RAM it is... But I want to know if this PC will run next gen games well

If you've got a good CPU cooler it is fairly easy, ive got a H60 form corsair and I can clock my i7:3770k to 4.0 at 60 degrees with prime 95. But always check you voltage!


I'll ask around a little more and see, thanks 😀


I was thinking 4 years and then a new build, so I guess I'll go on with it...