Hideous... And if you're going to make a "water cooled case" why would only the CPU be plumbed to be cooled? It also looks like your gpu would get dusty pretty quick since it's just sitting there in the open and lastly micro ATX sucks. The holes for standoffs and mounting screws are never where they belong.
I just built a system for someone using a gigabyte micro ATX board and it was awful to work with. It also didn't come with a backplate and gigabyte support has been awful.
First I go on the website and submit a ticket with my receipt... they tell me to email this special address so I do, nobody ever replies so I update the original ticket and 9 min later I finally get a response and even though I attached pictures of the receipt they asked me for pictures of the receipt so I send them again and then hear nothing. So I go back to the ticket and say they aren't replying again and now I'm supposed to call.
I mean Jesus I'll pay for the damn back plate that wasn't in the box just let me talk to someone!