[SOLVED] Newly build PC but has no audio? Is it motherboard issue?

Aug 20, 2019
So I just built my pc with these parts: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/HZBRZR

Everything works fine except audio. There is no sound when I try to plug in my speaker or headset to the audio ports on the motherboard. I have tried to install/reinstall Realtek drivers onto my PC with no effect. The only thing I have not done yet is to update my motherboard BIOS. I am hoping it is not a faulty motherboard.

However, since my monitor has built-in sound, I can plug my speaker to my monitor (my monitor is plugged to my GPU), and sound does come out from the speaker.

Based on the information that my speaker works fine when plugged in to my monitor which is plugged into the GPU, can I rule out a faulty motherboard or no? I don't want to continue troubleshooting this issue if it turns out to be a defective mobo. Please provide factual information, thanks!
I tried that, yes. Doesn't work. Can we rule out a defective mobo or no? I want a confirmation if we can rule that out first based on what I posted (speaker works fine when connected to monitor, monitor to GPU).