Newly Built Computer Not Turning On, Please Help!


Aug 22, 2013
I just finished building my first computer, and when I turn on the PSU, the red power LED on the motherboard (Asus Z87-PRO) lights up red like it's supposed to, but when I press it nothing happens at all. But the PSU must be working, right? because how else would the red LED turn on?
I did an external build before this and everything worked fine, but in the case nothing's working

Here is the partlist:

Please Help ASAP,

i think your rams in the wrong slot tho i don't see how you could of done that seeing as it booted for you the first time unless you where using another cooler. (it should be in the black slot's i think)

tried switching with no success, and confirmed that the RAM is supposed to be in the yellow slots according to the motherboard manual
I unplugged everything, took the motherboard out, and hooked up everything externally exactly how I had it when I did my first, successful external build.
BUT IT'S STILL NOT WORKING. Did I destroy my motherboard or something?! I'm starting to worry that I have completely ruined an expensive piece of equipment and I'm losing hope fast.
The red power button LED on the motherboard is still just lit up red, but nothing even budges when I press it.
I'm starting to worry that I killed my mobo when mounting it in the case, which I had a bit of trouble with.
Okay, after spending my whole Saturday trying to troubleshoot what was wrong with my build, and dissembling the entire build, I figured out my problem and also realized how much of an idiot I am.
The whole thing wasn't starting because I had removed the yellow jumper cap for the RTC RAM in CMOS thinking that it was simply a protective cover like I found many of on other parts.
I put it back on, made an external build, and it ran like normal. Currently in the process of putting everything back in the case, I'll post when I'm done again :)