Question Newly Built computer will only boot with rams in certian slots (A1 A2)

Feb 3, 2019
I recently built a new computer using some recycled parts from my old computer and some new/refurbished hardware

My current issue is the computer will only boot with a ram card in the A1 or A2 position, and get to my home display with all icon set ups and application boot ups working fine

If I try booting it with a ram card in either the B1 or B2 position I will get the dreaded DRAM light and get no display.

I've tried 2 ram cards A1 B1 still DRAM light, A2 B2 and still DRAM light

I've opened the bios > advanced setting > AI tweaker > AI overclock tuner, was set to auto so the XMP should be enabled

I checked the bios and the bios is the latest updated version

I sure would like to run with full 16gb of ram

i7 3770 (from old computer still works fine)
ASUS P8h77-v (used from newegg)
GTX 1080 TI (used)
I don't have the names of the RAM cards off hand, I know its 4gb ddr3 that came from my old computer (think center m92p) which worked fine on my old computer

Could the B1 B2 ram slots just be duds? or is there something I'm missing on the bios I forgot to switch? what else can I do to diagnosis it?