Newly built pc crashes after few hours of use, then reboots itself after a few seconds. And if I keep using gives me BSOD.


Feb 10, 2018
So recently me and my brother built two computers with the same exact specs and everything.

GTX 970 (From our old pc's)
PRIME Z370-P (my motherboard)
TX850M Corsair (my psu)
H60 Corsair (CPU Cooler)
16GB Ballistix RAM

One of the two computers that we have built works fine, but we did set them up at different times and so on, so we don't remember if we did anything differently.

So after playing a few hours of Overwatch, 3-5 hours, my computer randomly shuts down, and then reboots itself after a few second. At that time I usually stopped using the computer for the rest of the day, and would try to find some hot fix for it, before trying again. So that I wouldn't damage the computer in the long run. The very first time it happend, I was just watching youtube videos.

What I've done so far:
So the first thing that I've done is that I have reinstalled and updated my graphics driver with Geforce Experience. Done all the "Ez windows 10 fixes" you find on a bunch of websites.
And I've tried unplugging my second monitor and using a different extension cable as I thought the power might've been the problem.
I've checked my computer for viruses, none found.
Took the computer to the repair, they told me they couldn't even get it to crash.
(Not sure what they did, didn't have to pay tho)

Before this started happing their was another problem, at the very start when we finally got it running, it started showing the "BSOD" after a tiny bit of use, and we couldn't understand why. We quickly realized it was due to overheating issues, because one of the screws had been broken and so the CPU cooler wasn't held in place correctly, which led to the processor reaching over 100C. And it was after we fixed that, that we encountered this problem. But I don't think the CPU is actually broken considering that it works for a couple of hours. But then again maybe it is, it doesn't show any signs of being damaged.

A quick note, all except the first crash, has happend when I opened op Overwatch, or started a new game in Overwatch, after the computer has been on for a while. But Overwatch doesn't seem to be the reason, as the computer gave me the BSOD after a few minutes of use after the last crash. I played a bit of Call of Duty earlier with no problem, but again it had only been on for about two hours.

I have also been monitoring my CPU and GPU tempature, and they have not shown any signs of overheating.

I also put two extra fans at the front of the computer, just because my motherboard supported it, not sure if they can cause a problem, if they maybe stop rotating or something. I have stopped them with my fingers before, and the computer didn't crash then.

Around the internet people are saying that it's most drivers or the PSU that causes the problem, so I'm going to change the location of my computer for a new power outlet, and change the keyboard and mouse of my computer. I know they have their own drivers for them, but not sure if they really can cause something like this. The other computer runs fine so the Power Supply should be strong enough.

Really appreciate any help I can get.
Thank you Less Than Three. (<3)
Can you follow option one here
and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c windows/minidump after the next BSOD
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and someone with right software to read them will help you fix it :)
UPDATE: So I did a reinstalled windows on my computer and that has stopped the BSOD from happening, but I still have the problem where at random times, it just shuts down and reboots itself after a few seconds. Anybody have an idea what that may be?
Question from jappanini : "Newly built pc shuts down and then reboots itself at random times."

It's possible some component may not be seated correctly, so you may have to double check each part and verify(CPU, GPU, RAM, etc)... Make sure each PSU connector in plugged in nice & secure. Did you put enough thermal paste on the CPU(and not too much that it's spilling over)?
All drivers are installed correctly and up-to-date?

So I'm currently updating my BIOS and my GTX 970 is up to date, is their any other drivers? And also when I was putting in the thermal paste, I just kept on putting more and more on untill I could fit it all. ( Used a card to spread it around). My friend also did this and his computer runs fine, but if the problem is too much thermal paste how will I know?

So I've made sure that everything is seated currectly, I have the drivers the Cd's came with, and my Graphic Drivers are up to date. And I still have the problem. Sometimes I can go days without crashes depending on what I do. If I play Overwatch a high intensiv game I can only play a couple of hours, if I play a game like Fortnite I don't experience crashes. I have been monitoring my heat and it seems fine, I'll continue a bit. Any other things that people can come up with?