Newly Built PC shuts off randomly!


Sep 26, 2014
I finally got my custom pc working after a month of hard troubles with 2 bad mobos. When i first got everything built and running on the system it wouldn't show any output on my monitor, so i contacted my friend and he said that it was maybe because the drivers weren't up to date and that i should throw one in a see if it does anything. Well it worked and i got the post and set up Windows 8. After about 1 day of getting all the drivers installed and setting up the pc to my liking i started having these power issues. It would randomly shut off on me and when i went to turn it back on it didn't display anything on the monitor but it looked just fine(fans running, mobo lighting up, gpu seemed fine). I didn't know what to do about it and it was late anyway so i just went to bed and was going to figure everything out in the morning. When i woke up it powered on fine and launched into windows without missing a beat, so i just went back to updating and setting up. Now when i left for work later that day and came back home i was having yet again the same issues, except this time it kept randomly shutting off on me until i unplugged the psu cord and plugged it back in(making sure it was firmly in place). So im thinking its the psu since it stopped randomly shutting down when i unplugged the cord(note that even after i unplugged the cord that it wouldn't show anything on the monitor and eventually went back to shutting down). I'm swapping the psu at my local BestBuy and seeing if that solved the problem today, if theirs a computer god out their right now he/she really hates me because ive had nothing but problems
Ps. i know nothing is wrong with the monitor because ive plugged it up numerous times to my laptop and it never gave me any trouble.
AMD FX-8350
Asus Sabertooth R2.0 990FXA
Corsair 750w bronze modular psu
Seagate 1TB
Corsair H55 silent edition
Gigabyte 280x 3gb
G-Skill Sniper series 8gb(2x4)
Corsair Graphite Series 230t Black ATX midtower case
Try a different PSU that is at least 750W and Bronze certified, if that works then you know for sure it's a PSU problem.
I'd recommend a different CPU anyway, preferably one from the tier 1, tier 2a and tier 2b review on TomsHardware

The PSU I have in my system is the:
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: EVGA 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (£84.90 @
Total: £84.90
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-10-01 15:35 BST+0100

It's excellent!


Aug 4, 2014
Try a different PSU that is at least 750W and Bronze certified, if that works then you know for sure it's a PSU problem.
I'd recommend a different CPU anyway, preferably one from the tier 1, tier 2a and tier 2b review on TomsHardware

The PSU I have in my system is the:
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: EVGA 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (£84.90 @
Total: £84.90
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-10-01 15:35 BST+0100

It's excellent!


Sep 26, 2014

I appreciate the list of good and bad power supply's, but i cant deal with any more shipping times. I know they have an EVGA 600w Bronze at BestBuy, but im not sure about a 750w. Thanks for your reply and ill let you know by the end of the day if it indeed was the psu.


Sep 26, 2014

Thanks! It was the psu and now my computer runs flawlessly.