Newly built PC with Windows 7 running laggy on desktop


Mar 21, 2016
I recently built a new PC with Windows 10. It all ran fine until at one point everything slowly stopped working so I decided to reinstall Windows 7.
Now everything works again, only problem is that when I'm on the desktop it feels kinda laggy as if i had low FPS or something.
It can't really be because of my hardware, since I got well over 60 FPS in most games at the highest settings.
Running out of ideas now, could use some help. Thanks in advance!

i find that a fresh install is fairly slow, did you install the windows updates?

i find that a fresh install is fairly slow, did you install the windows updates?

I did intall the necessary ones but not the optional ones, there were 11 of them.
Installed those just now and it seems to run fine now.
Thanks a lot for the fast reply