I have recently built my own gaming PC and first off it booted fine and everything worked but the graphics card which could not be recognised in the bios, and due to not being recognised wouldn't let me install the drivers, because of this I figured it was either a fault of the motherboard or the graphics card, because I did not have any method of testing the components I returned both. It wasn't an issue with the GPU because when the new one came nothing changed once installed, but now I have returned the motherboard and installed a new one the PC does not boot?!
I have made sure I have plugged in everything properly and correctly and checked that it wasn't the ram by installing idividualy (and that it worked before). The PC "on" light shows but apart from that I have nothing, I brought a bios speaker and that didn't beep and none of the fans spin, no connection to a monitor?!
Thanks for reading, please give me all the suggestions you have, what have I done wrong? What component is broken?
Thank you for your help!
- Will
Update -
CPU - Intel i5 6600
GPU - Giabyte Windforce 3x GTX 970
Ram - 16gb DDR4
Motherboard - H110M-H
PSU - Corsair CX500M
CPU Cooler - Cooler Master Hyper 212x
Case - Corsair 200r
Case Fans - Include Corsair 200r fans (x2)
I have recently built my own gaming PC and first off it booted fine and everything worked but the graphics card which could not be recognised in the bios, and due to not being recognised wouldn't let me install the drivers, because of this I figured it was either a fault of the motherboard or the graphics card, because I did not have any method of testing the components I returned both. It wasn't an issue with the GPU because when the new one came nothing changed once installed, but now I have returned the motherboard and installed a new one the PC does not boot?!
I have made sure I have plugged in everything properly and correctly and checked that it wasn't the ram by installing idividualy (and that it worked before). The PC "on" light shows but apart from that I have nothing, I brought a bios speaker and that didn't beep and none of the fans spin, no connection to a monitor?!
Thanks for reading, please give me all the suggestions you have, what have I done wrong? What component is broken?
Thank you for your help!
- Will
Update -
CPU - Intel i5 6600
GPU - Giabyte Windforce 3x GTX 970
Ram - 16gb DDR4
Motherboard - H110M-H
PSU - Corsair CX500M
CPU Cooler - Cooler Master Hyper 212x
Case - Corsair 200r
Case Fans - Include Corsair 200r fans (x2)