Next-gen consoles GPU

tadej petric

Feb 9, 2013
So my question is simple. How good GPU will be in next generation consoles (ps4, xbox 720) compared to today pc ones. Im interested in comparing with 650ti 1gb most but anything is wellcome. Most of all how much VRAM will they have.

Bit off topic but how good CPU will be against i5 3570 (non k)(same clock as non k)?

Nothing too accurate here; only speculations.
the cpu in the playstation 4 is pretty much an 8 core mobile apu. no frequencies available.
its using amds jaguar cores. which are supposed to be normal cores instead of modules in their 4 core versions, no info on if playstation went with modules to get the extra 4 cores or not.
the gpu in the ps4 is pretty much a 7870. so its a good bit better than your 650ti.

no concrete specs on xbox yet. just similar pc development rigs. they appear to be about the same as ps4 though. with in 20% performance. but again not final so not worth speculating.
Its hard to speculate when all the details haven't been announced. I'm pretty excited for the PS4 since it will be using an x86 AMD CPU and an AMD GPU, so I'm hoping this will mean better port for PC and easier developing of games for the consoles in general. The games already demoed looked pretty good so in time we will see even better things. The Unreal engine 4 looks very promising too.
Any >=$800 gaming PC custom build with current gen PC parts will match or beat the new game consoles.

However, the games developed for those consoles specifically, will be tailored to get the most out of them as possible, and will yield performance in said games to match that of which in a >=$1000 gaming PC w/ current gen hardware.

the cpu in the playstation 4 is pretty much an 8 core mobile apu. no frequencies available.
its using amds jaguar cores. which are supposed to be normal cores instead of modules in their 4 core versions, no info on if playstation went with modules to get the extra 4 cores or not.
the gpu in the ps4 is pretty much a 7870. so its a good bit better than your 650ti.

no concrete specs on xbox yet. just similar pc development rigs. they appear to be about the same as ps4 though. with in 20% performance. but again not final so not worth speculating.
hard to know without a crystal ball. Full system specs of either aren't announced yet.

It's hard to compare consoles to pc's because the systems are build for different uses, and optimized differently. What does Windows 7 or 8 take OS wise on a fresh install? 10-20GB? What does a console use? Few hundred meg for it's OS. It's much streamlined because they can cut all kinds of stuff out that a PC can't.

I doubt that there will be 7870 :). Maybe 7850 but I doubt that too. Even 7850 is better than 650ti
The PS4's GPU will be marginally faster than the Radeon HD 7850. The Radeon HD 7850 computational power is 1.76 teraflops while the GPU in the PS4 is 1.84 teraflops.

The more important fact is that game developers only needs to be concerned about coding a game for it's specific GPU. Which should make the coding more efficient, thus the game will run better. With regards to PC games, developers at the very least has to code games for both AMD and nVidia cards. One set of codes may allow certain aspects of the graphics perform better on nVidia cards, while another set of codes perform better on AMD cards. Then there generational differences between those cards.

Optimization is key for consoles and as developers become more familiar with the PS4's GPU, they can tweak the code to provide better performance and graphics in later games.

Right on. I would add that the OS itself helps a lot too. The console's OS allocates its resources for the sole task of running games, it doesn't have to run windows with its gazilion processes at the same time.
All I care is that ALL the games for ps4 should run at least at 60fps, OR give that option for people that prefer to play at lower frame rates.
I was a console player all my life (Im 33) and started pc gaming a year ago. Now I cant go back to play on my ps3 since all I get are 30fps. Im kinda ok with 720p resolution, but 30fps look horrible.

I read it somewhere (Endgadget, I think) a comment from a developer that the XBOX had a limitation that would make it hard to run 1080@60fps. The PS4 will apparently be more able to do so.

Found the link: