Nexus 5 Already Sold Out On Google Play

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They are still available, the shipping date is like Nov. 8th. I doubt it will stay that short of a waiting period for long though, I imagine there will be a few weeks wait time before tomorrow morning.
This is another nail in Apple's coffin.
If you're up for getting a pure Android experience, it doesn't get any better than that ATM. I would say between this, and the other 2 recent GP Edition phones (SGS4 and HTC One) one has a great choice to make, can't go wrong with any of these.

LOL at Apple's troll otacon, he just admitted being a serious Google hater, since everyone knows Nexus phones are hardly subsidized, and the prices posted on GPlay are retail for unlocked phones. He's just green with envy, since iPhones are way more expensive and iOS will never provide the vast options available on Android (or Android-based) phones.

It's a nexus device. Not a subsidized flagship. $350 gets you the full unlocked phone. No extra monthly payments, no 2-year contract.

No such thing as subsidies for Nexus devices; that's why they're amazing. (Though service providers might subsidize them, it's not like it's needed.)

Your own counter-trolling aside... what are you talking about?

This is a nexus device - that means it gets same-day updates to android releases. Google play devices? Do not. They're reliant on the manufacturer still.

Why would I pay almost twice as much money for a phone that wasn't designed for stock android but is running it, that doesn't get regular updates, that has worse specs than the Nexus 5?

When 4.3 came out it was on my phone within one week. Other phones are still waiting for it. Besides, my point was clear about having a choice, not imposing it. Some people still care about additional storage, replaceable batteries, and they have a choice. Simple as that. You personally don't have to buy anything you don't want, but it's good to have choices.
They should do what Iphone is doing and making a cheaper plastic phone for the masses. If they can make it $200 with no contract, you would have a ton of people buying them, especially people on prepaid plans. I think google can do it with a slightly older quad core processor, 8gb of memory, plastic body, and a lower resolution screen.
AWESOME! Now I can update my facebook at 2.3 GHz and still have power left over to make a phone call! Can't wait until this is deemed obsolete next year and trade it in for the next impractical and functionless device.. Seriously people, what kind of candy crush are you playing that it needs a cpu specs as a laptop? unless you can hook this thing up to a monitor and plug in a mouse/keyboard and run a functional OS, I can't justify the need for these kinds of specs or prices.
gggplaya, being that pretty every iPhone ever released cost about $200 to make and can easily be sold for a nice profit at about $250 I am sure they could do just about the same for this one if not better.
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