V vinod 123 Reputable Mar 6, 2014 1 0 4,510 Mar 6, 2014 #1 nfs rivals not playing smootly which graphic card purchase amd or navida my my machine configuration is core to due 2.8 g h 2 gb ram 512 mb graphic card navidya my budget is upto 3000 rs pls help fast
nfs rivals not playing smootly which graphic card purchase amd or navida my my machine configuration is core to due 2.8 g h 2 gb ram 512 mb graphic card navidya my budget is upto 3000 rs pls help fast
ak47jar3d Champion Mar 3, 2014 7,113 62 54,590 Mar 6, 2014 #2 Hd 7770 is the one I usually recommend for NFS rival. I don't know enough about you system to know if it works.
Hd 7770 is the one I usually recommend for NFS rival. I don't know enough about you system to know if it works.