I don not overclock 99% of the time. The only time I would ever oc, is an emergency(gpu bottle necking, for an example). Im only doing gaming, so if I buy the right parts I shouldn't have to. I was looking at the one 80 watt hamster linked, and a h97 Anniversary edition. Motherboards are most of the time the hardest decision for me to make. I understand I cant really go cheap on a mobo, like I said, if I have to ill raise my budget a bit. So, out of the ones linked, which can all of you guys agree on would be the best, for my needs? I may upgrade to an i7 in a couple years, if games become a lot more cpu demanding. Also, if you guys want to make any adjustments, feel free. Ill move my budget up to $650. Also, I just want 1080p medium - high 45+fps in games like ARK, Titanfall, Crysis 3, Tombraider, AC4, BF4, and The Witcher 3. I knwo I probably wont get the fps I want in The Witcher 3, but atleast 30 for that game.