Nice inexpensive case


Jul 23, 2014
I'm moving on to my third (not counting rebuilds) desktop build soon, and I absolutely loved the HAF 932 case that I found for the last one, but I cant find another, or even a HAF X for anywhere near the $50 that I picked that one up for. I would like to make this build entirely if brand new parts, and I'm looking for recommendations for a good quality case with room for cable management, and plenty of large diameter fans, that wont break the bank. That is, I'm looking to spend less than $50 if possible, but no more than $75. Oh, and sonething that looks decent doesnt hurt either
Thought about it, but, along with still serving admirably as my good ol' Phenom II game box, that case has been through a lot, a lot more than I'd care to think about. Scratches, dents, a broken usb port.... You get the picture.
Besides that though, I just want to build something that has all new parts for personal reasons.