Nine hundred two - Antec


Mar 24, 2008
I'm thinking of buying one and on Antec's website i read

- 1 side (Optional) 120 x 25mm fan mount
- 1 middle (Optional) 120mm fan mount

So far I haven't bought much fans so I was wondering wich ones to get. My criterias go like this:

1- Most cooling efficient
2- Silent
3- Cost (they're all damn cheap anyways)
4- ???
5- ???
6- looks pretty (yea, i really don't give a damn)
Personally I value silent fans. Noctua makes fans which are really silent and very efficient. And they cost more than others, but to me it sure is worth it. Beside the fan itself the box contains silicon mountings (preventing resonance) and adapters for 5V and 7V feeding.