[SOLVED] Nintendo 64 - Widescreen - Out of Place - Best Place


Oct 25, 2011
I am so sorry this doesn't look like the right forum at all for these questions.
It is the only forum that I trust though.
Can you help me out?
I just bought a N64 and my Samsung 1080p tv has a Widescreen setting.
It looks pretty good on that, but the system was meant for crt's or square tvs .
So I guess what I am asking, being the nut for video games the way the creators intended,
doesn't it stretch things out when going from 4:3 to 16:9
It looks pretty nice but I guess I want to hear from the pros at Tom's Hardware...
Thank you
most nicer TVs have an option for image scaling and\or aspect ratio.
you can set it to fill the screen, stretch\zoom, use original or source, etc.

this will set the screen aspect ratio to your desired size.