No AC power to HHD and DVD ROM while the SSD is working


Dec 11, 2015
Hi guys,

I have just built up a PC and I have some issues in making the HDD and DVD ROM work. I have searched the forums for similar issues with no success.

I have the following PSU:

and mobo:

I have switched between the power and data cables and pretty sure that it isn't a cable/connectivity issue as the SSD is working properly.

My guess is that there is not enough power reaching the 2 drives as there is no led indicator for the DVD and the HDD is dead cold and silent. Both units are working properly on other computers.

I have enabled the SATA ports from UEFI, but still they are not detected.

Does anyone have any suggestion?

Have also tried to use the HDD and/or DVD ROM on different SATA cable, removed power cable from the SSD and have only DVD ROM connected, with no success. I also suspect the PSU, but i was thinking there's something i'm missing.
Oh! I've got an idea, try powering up just the drives (use a paperclip in any black and green connector of the 24-pin connector), disconnect the psu from the rest of the system.

If they don't turn on, try doing the same with another PSU, if they still don't power up, bad news...
If they turn on (on other PSU), somehow ALL the SATA cables of ur PSU are faulty.