No active partition found/ Bootmgr is missing.


Dec 10, 2015
I have a new laptop ASUS X554LA, it was with FreeDOS system, i tried to install windows 7 on it and it says there is no partition to install windows on. I tried deleting all the partitions and creating new ones, but i tried to restart laptop and now there is a message " no active partition found". When i try to get to windows installation with flash drive, there is a message " Bootmgr is missing. I cant do anything, only get to bios.
Welcome to Tom's Hardware, Povilas_1!

I'd suggest you to go to BIOS and make sure you have set the boot priority properly.
The first boot priority should be set to the flash drive (USB hubs) and second to the HDD.
If it still doesn't work, you might want to consider re-creating the booting flash drive or making a system repair disk with Windows 7. Here are a couple of useful links that might assist you:
How to Create a Windows 7 System Repair Disc -
How to Run a Startup Repair -

Hope it helps! :)
None of these works, it is a new laptop, only FreeDOS system on it and i cant access it anymore becouse of "no active partition found" error, i have made windows 8 flash drive and with that i set the partition active. I now can get to windows installation, but the same problem that the setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition. This is the first system Im trying to install on this laptop, so the system repair or startup repair doesnt work at all.
Same problem, but with ASUS X553S. I tried to install windows 7 from usb stick, but when windows getting started laptop shows blue screen with error. I used fdisk from FreeDOS and delete all aprtitions and have the same message "no active partition found". Also, i tried to use Ubuntu usb stick and got error with Kernel. So, i can't do anything, so sad.