No anti aliasing in any game


Dec 3, 2014
my pc isnt renedering any anti aliasing, even when i force it in the nvidia control panel and in game there still is 0 anti aliasing. even after removing the gpu and using the onboard gpu and plugging my screen into it, the pc still wont render any anti aliasing what so ever, its really annoying and I cant play games like this im sure its not the gpu cause the onboard gpu does the same and i tried a whole fresh windows installation, please help

its not just minecraft, it also happends in cs go skyrim dragon age inquisition etc
Well to double check. ope up one of the others, with AA turned off, and find an area that looks particularly bad. Take a pic, then turn on AA, pic then compare. I haven't played any of those, but we can compare it to other games, its possible the AA isn't working, or its being stopped by driver issue of some kind but thats what the pic test is going to show. If there is even a little improvement then its working and juts poorly optimized.
Your screenshot of Minecraft did look as if it was using a lower AA such as x2. Are you sure it is definitley not working? If you look at the edges of the bunny ears, it is not as pixelated as usual. Show some screenshots of another game. Its hard to tell with minecraft.

tried completely disabling anti aliasing makes no difference

only in WoW it seems to make a difference

no aa


Chaise I'll be honest, it still looks like you are actually using some form of AA. Not super sampling by any stretch, but it defo looks like there is low AA on there. I know you can see jaggies on the edge of the tent on the right, and on the swords on your characters back, however that still might be x2 AA. I suppose the fast way to tell is to set the AA right up to its highest, do you then get lower framerate? If so, then you are using AA.


so how do i up it then? and no normal AA doesnt reduce fps smaa cmaa and those kind of hard anti aliasing methods do


thats why I came here because I have been trying to fix this problem for 2 months

thats why I came here because I have been trying to fix this problem for 2 months