No Audio after resetting Windows 10


Mar 13, 2016
Hello, I decided to reset my computer today, not recycle it but keep my personal files, after that my audio stopped working. I'm guessing I need to install the sound cards again? I tried that however it did not work, the headset was working fine before the reset. I've also tried to uninstall all the High definition audio devices and then restarting my computer which did not help. Also I've tried to update the high definition audio devices and of course that didn't work.

Motherboard: ASRock K10N78
Graphics Card: GTX 750Ti
CPU: AMD Phenom X4 9950 BE

Did you download the sound card drivers from the manufacturer's website? Double check that you downloaded the correct driver for your version of Windows 10.

Have you right-clicked the little speaker icon (usually lower right screen corner) and gone into Playback devices to ensure that your sound card is the active/selected audio source (versus the motherboard audio ports)?

Then go into the device audio settings as deep as you can. There may be a multitude of windows, tabs, and settings that need to be reconfigured for audio to return.

And do not forget to check any mute buttons or options....

I had a similar problem with my Windows 10. I was able to get it going by unchecking Environments under audio devices. It appears that Environments interferes with the HD drivers, in my case. It might not be the same issue but I thought you should know.

1. I've went onto my motherboard's manufacture website and I installed Realtek high definition audio device, but it was only in the bottom right with a orange speaker. Can you help me find the correct link?

2. The selected playback device is Digital Audio (S/PDIF) and when I watch youtube videos or just things with sound the green bar goes up but I have no audio in headset.

Check which audio device is selected. In Windows, right click the sound icon, and choose "Playback device", or might be something else.

You'll see different devices, try various ones and click "test". When you hear something from the right speakers, right-click on that and set it as default. Often updating chooses another device as output, for me it always goes from my speakers to my hdmi speakers, and I have to re-select the correct default.

Just read this. Digital Audio (S/PDIF) is most certainly wrong. Try another device.

I can't find 'Environments'
Orange speaker? Orange port? Try the lime green audio port.

Select the RealTek Digital Output as the Playback device. Check the windows, tabs, and settings therein.

And look for the Environments checkbox as suggested by adjudicator1. Give that a try.

Failing any of the above, try directly downloading the drivers via RealTek's website.

It's a USB Headset. I can't find Environments checkbox.

edit: I don't have a realtek digital output in playback devices

USB? try unplugging it and plugging it in a different USB port. Weird trick, sometimes works.

Did not work 🙁

Do you have the User Guide/Manual? See if there are any instructions with respect to the drivers. May not be able to rely on having then necessary drivers via Windows or, even if so, that they will work.

Visit the manfacturer's website. Look for instructions and drivers therein. And check any FAQs or forums to see if anyone is experiencing similar problems with their headset.

Just got a new mic and it's works, so yeah it was the mic 🙁