No audio sound


Mar 8, 2013
Hi guys, thanks for helping me!

i just assembled a new desktop pc and i have down loaded the drivers etc and overall the pc seems working fine, but one issue is there is no sound out put though

i see i can run you tube video etc, i see pictures moving, people talking through the pictures, their lips moving etc - but i cannot hear anything - could this be because i have no speakers connected to the pc?

does a desktop pc require speakers without which i cannot hear any audio? is it right? it is windows 10 and it appears the audio drivers are installed properly.

the monitor is hdmi and i thought it has inbuilt speakers but now it sounds like there is no inbuilt speakers, so do i need to buy new speakers?

I will greatly appreciate kindly helping me with this puzzle related to inability to hear any audio with my new built pc, thank you guys so much!

And I just found out i can hear if i can connect headphones, but low volume though, but i can hear audio, do i still need speakers and how can i increase the volume because the volume is low now
So your system has no added audio or video cards, just the mobo facilities. Let's start with the fact that you can get weak audio on headphones. First of all, it should not be weak, so we'll look at that.

1. In doing the assembly, did you connect a cable from your case's front panel to the mobo JAUD1 header at bottom rear corner? See your manual, p. 7 and 12. If you did, is anything plugged into the front panel jack? SOME systems are set so that, when you plug your headphones into the front jack, automatically the rear output is cut off so your speakers go silent when you use headphones.
2. What happens if you plug your headphones into the the front panel jack, instead of the rear panel? Do you still get weak audio, or is it different...
Need more details to help

1. What motherboard - maker and exact model number.
2. Do you have an add-on video card plugged into a PCIe slot, or are you using the video system built into the mobo?
3. You don't say, but I'm guessing your monitor DOES show the video. You are only not hearing audio. Is that right?
4. What kind of cable are you using to connect to the monitor. Is it a straight HDMI cable with similar connectors on both ends? Or, are you using some adapter to convert a different find of output socket to accept an HDMI cable?
5. Where is the cable plugged in - into an output socket on the back panel of the mobo, or into a socket on the back edge plate of your video card IF you have a separate video card?
google the model of the monitor if it has small audio speakers then in windows sound devices you have to set the default audio device to amd or nvidia hdmi sound depending on your video card. for sound from the motherboard start inside the bios make sure the sound chipset is on. with low end mb with three colored port on the back of the mb the green port is audio out. with higher end mb with 5 or more gold ports on the back look for the one that says output in the mb guild. if it 5.1 it will be the center channel your looking for. with windows sound make sure the audio output not mutted. with the realteck sound control panel. if you want to use the front case ports and the rear ones there a check box that has to be set on or off to make both audio ports turn on at the same time. you need a set of audio speakers if you dont want to wear heat set all day or if your monitor does not have speakers.
Thanks you Paperdoc so much! And sorry for delay in replying to you.

1. What motherboard - maker and exact model number.

H110 M Pro VH Plus HDMI DDR4 MSI motherboard

2. Do you have an add-on video card plugged into a PCIe slot, or are you using the video system built into the mobo?

Just the one built in to the mobo, no add on video card etc

3. You don't say, but I'm guessing your monitor DOES show the video. You are only not hearing audio. Is that right?

Yes, you are fully right, I can see the video without any issues, it is just audio, I can watch you tube videos nicely, and just now I found out I can hear the audio if I put the headphones to the two holes that are present in the back side of the desktop tower/I/O panel, but volume is really really low

4. What kind of cable are you using to connect to the monitor. Is it a straight HDMI cable with similar connectors on both ends? Or, are you using some adapter to convert a different find of output socket to accept an HDMI cable?

Yes, it is straight hdmi, it is same connector on both ends, it is pure hdmi without any additional adapters etc

5. Where is the cable plugged in - into an output socket on the back panel of the mobo, or into a socket on the back edge plate of your video card IF you have a separate video card?

There is no video card and the hdmi cable is plugged into hdmi socket that is present at the i/o panel

I earnestly hope I have answered all your questions properly.

Once again thank you so much, I really appreciate your help!
Thank you Smorizio so much! And I really appreciate for these information! I will certainly follow all these instructions, and once again thank you so much and I really appreciate it!
So your system has no added audio or video cards, just the mobo facilities. Let's start with the fact that you can get weak audio on headphones. First of all, it should not be weak, so we'll look at that.

1. In doing the assembly, did you connect a cable from your case's front panel to the mobo JAUD1 header at bottom rear corner? See your manual, p. 7 and 12. If you did, is anything plugged into the front panel jack? SOME systems are set so that, when you plug your headphones into the front jack, automatically the rear output is cut off so your speakers go silent when you use headphones.
2. What happens if you plug your headphones into the the front panel jack, instead of the rear panel? Do you still get weak audio, or is it different?
3. On the rear panel, as smorizio has said, the correct jack to use for headphones is the GREEN one.
4. See your manual, p. 19, for the note at the bottom. You should have the Mystic Light utility installed. The manual says to use that to adjust the way your audio chip is set to co-ordinate with the LED lighting effects. Ensure it is set not to interfere with audio.
5. Look on your screen at bottom right for the "tray" of icons. As you hover over one at a time, most will tell you what they are. There is probably one there called "Volume" maybe using a speaker icon. RIGHT-click on it and choose to OPEN it. You get a panel of controls for various things. On the left will be the Master Volume control. Make sure that is at max. Other items control the volume from individual sources, or the output volume for particular speakers. See if adjusting those fixes your problem.
6. On that same icon, right-click and choose the "Adjust Audio Properties"; on that menu choose the Audio tab. It shows three boxes where you get to choose the Default Sound Playback (or Sound Recording, or MIDI Playback) device. For each of these Windows can only use ONE device at a time, even if you have more available. Ensure that the Default Sound Playback is the mobo's Realtek system - that MAY be your only choice, but check anyway.
7. Also in that tray there should be another icon named for the Realtek system - RIGHT-click on that and open Sound Manager. It has several tabs and controls for the Realtek system. On the AUDIO I/O tab, set your speaker system - in your case, 2-channel stereo. On the Mixer tab, just ensure that the volume controls are set to max for now. You may have a tab for testing or Demo; use that to send out test sounds to see what's working.

Those steps should ensure that Windows and Realtek are set to put out sounds OK. At the very minimum, you should be able to get good strong audio in your headphones whether they are plugged in to the front panel headphone jack or into the rear panel green jack. So, do you get good headphone performance in both jacks? Do you get sound from your monitor speakers yet?

Let us know what you find. If it' still not working there are a couple other things we can check.
Thank you so much Paperdoc!!! I really appreciate your help!!!

It appears this issue has been fixed now, what I did initially was to use the audio jack in the i/o panel, but then I put the cable to the front panel and it is working in the front. In fact the sound is very good when I use the front panel and also the headphones, speakers, bluetooth all work now without any issues. The volume, quality of sound etc are very good

I have not yet checked if I connect to the i/o panel again whether the audio works or not since I intend to use the front panel only, but all the information & solutions gave by you are very helpful and this has certainly helped me to resolve this issue.

Once again thank you so much, and I really appreciate this wonderful help!!!
in the realteck control panel is a check box to make the front and rear output to sepret outputs. if your mb has just three ports (colored) the green one is audio out. if it a 5.1 mb. use a black marker to mark the audio out port whe nyou find the right one.
Thanks for Best Solution.

Since the front panel headphone jack works very well, I suggest you check two items regarding the rear panel green jack.

1. On some mobos in BIOS Setup there is a place in the configuration of the on-board audio system to set an option for the action when headphones are plugged into the front jack. You can choose whether this action automatically shuts off the rear output, or not. If you always want output through the rear jack, set it that way. I suppose you might want it the other way - so that plugging headphones into the front jack silences the speakers on the monitor. ALSO check within the Realtek audio control panel (via the screen tray at bottom right) whether there is a similar setting to set there.
2. In Realtek audio controls, AND in Windows Volume Control, make sure that the output volume controls are set properly. The Master Volume in Windows should be max. The output control specifically for the (front) Left / Right stereo speakers should also be set high.

If that still gets you little from the rear green jack for your speakers (test by plugging headhones in there if you don't have spare speakers), let us know. There is a small "trick" to getting Realtek systems to send out signals in some cases.