No connections available windows 7


Oct 6, 2014
hi, i have an advent 7211 that i have just done a fresh installation of windows 7.

Everything worked out as it normally would. I connected through the ethernet to allow my updates etc to install and all is fine other than the fact that i have no wifi.

My drivers are installed and working corectly and my wifi is also enabled everything looks as it should the wifi is turned on as i say it all looks perfect.

I no all the simple straightforward tricks to enabling my wifi trust me My other laptop all our phones our i pad everything works the wifi is fine.

not connected no conections available it will not pick it up but as if there are none rather than a hardware problem.

I think although windows is telling me my wireless network driver a Ralink wireless lan card v2 is installed properly and also up to date is wrong! I have been through all the connection posts and on you tube and i cant work it out.

Please help if you can people thanks.
Hello... Does Windows see/report a wireless signal available? You must create a new Network connection type and type in the Password from your Wireless modem signal..
Go to the MANUF site of your wifi card for their driver for your OS.... Sometimes the Microsoft versions are buggy.
No its not picking up any wireless as if no wireless is even broadcasting. In manage wireless connections its green but still says not connected when i click it it says no connections available.
Hello... 1) Whose driver are you using? check in the Device manager...
2) Is there a antenna needed? and try cleaning and re-connecting it...
3) Try moving you Computer next to the WIFI modem for maximum signal strength.

I know you have experience at this... But I just start listing options.... no insult to your personal knowledge.
4) re-check your modem for WIFI settings and save the settings.
5) Have you connected to your Modem before with a WIFI to verify that it is send out a signal? another Laptop for example?
Its right beside it, the wireless driver is a ralink wireless lan 2 installed automatically by windows update, as i say i have uninstalled and reinstalled it a number of times it seems to be the only driver windows wil find and although it says this device is working properly my problem remains.

The problem is exactly like the wifi is disabled but it infact is enabled, all other devices in my house are picking it up perfectly.
No of course i thankyou very much for your help, no i havnt but i have dissconnected and now reconnected through my other laptop, in fact im using it now and there are zero problems from the router i will do as you advised just now to see if there is a difference.
I have done all that and still the problem remains. This problem i am now convinced is either a driver problem or a settings problem within windows.

I have found similar problems to this in the past where i manually found the desired driver from the vendors website downloaded it from another laptop then installed it on the required laptop to which the problem was rectified, all be it i cannot locate it anywhere.

My problem here is windows is telling me the ralink wireless lan card v2 is the correct one and is working properly when im sure if i could find another one possibly the right one then this issue would be resolved.

Can you give me any advice on this possibly?
i have downloaded the driver from the website and installed it manually, im back to square 1. Everything is exactly as it was no difference.

All device drivers installed and working properly, my wifi is switched on and enabled in windows, but its still not picking up any connections at all. There are 5 different local wifi connections according to my laptop, but the other one still will pick up nothing.
Assuming this all worked prior to the re-install of Windows 7 (it is a "Re-Install", isn't it?), did you always use Network Connections in order to control the wireless set up or was there some other program that came with your laptop that was used to set up your wireless connection?

-Wolf sends
Hello... Good Point...
1) Did everything work before? known good card?
2) I would personally reload Windows 7 SP1 and Hardware Drivers... Don't get any Updates... just the RAW Windows OS ... NO ADvent software, and check the WIFI connection.
3) Also any Hardware or driver changes Please re-boot your Computer, I find this needed at times.

Nice Video work B )
Thanks for the reply guys, i have just started the download. This laptop worked fine im lead to believe im updating it for a friends mother it had been running vista but was cooked so a fresh install and upgrade seemed like a good plan.

When you say no Advent software i find that interesting considering i formatted the drive and installed windows 7 expecting to install the loader but found on the both occasions iv done the installation to this laptop an advent window automatically loads.

I think maybe its because the activation key is already installed could this be why?, if not could you tell me how to install 7 with no advent software at all.

thanks for your help guys very much appreciated.
ok i have reloaded and installed the version you have given me with no advent software just the raw OS, i havnt updated anything.

I have the ethernet driver but no network controller installed, i have been to the vendors website and downloaded and installed the wifi driver Ralinkwireless V2 and installed it and i am back to the identical same problem its as if my wifi button is switched off but it is not.
i am beginning to think it has to be an antenna problem, my bios doesnt have the option its quite an old laptop so i think a wireless dongle would be the best soution, i have formatted and installed 7 the advent screen has gone but the laptops is behaving as if its wifi button is off, im giving up on it im positive it is an antenna problem.

Thanks so much for your time and effort it has been much appreciated.