No Disk Drives

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Gwendolyn Flowers

Oct 5, 2014
Does anyone know why all the new laptops ,especially those that are touch, no longer have a dvd r/w drive? What is up with that? Does anyone know for sure?
Hi the answer is simple most software that you my want to add is available via download and movies and music can be viewed or streamed online.
However you can still use an external disk drive.

So what you are saying is place your internet security and microsoft word appliction on a usb device (providing in the future you will have dek top or anthor laptop to do this with) and then stick that information into the usb port and upload to your comuter?

It seems like you will need to by technical support to teach people who are not tech savy to do this for them. Or classes to inform them. May be a money move.
'The last time I purchased one was aout two years ago because my 3 gb was too large so I purchased a slightly smaller one and it has a dvd player.

It is Amd driven and has one gb more of RAM. I do not know if there is a real differece but I can say I have went through 3 battery packs since I purchased it but never had to buy a battery pack for my Intel Pentium one that I have had for over 5 years. Is that the difference between the two CPUs?

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