No Display Help!


Sep 19, 2015
Display not showing up but all fans turn on, will resetting CMOS by taking out battery fix this? will resetting CMOS wipe my Windows 10?
Hi Lodlike,

No, resetting CMOS will not wipe your Windows. And no, it probably won't make your video feed return.

Would you mind answering a few specific questions about the problem? We'll probably need to know a bit more about your setup before we can really help.

- Is this is brand new PC build that is not displaying video?
- Is this a machine that you've had for awhile that has suddenly stopped displaying video?


I had a 300W power supply that worked perfectly fine on my computer that I built but with no PCI connector for my new GPU that I bought so I just bought a new PSU LEPA 500W because that can run my GPU. I set it up just now but no display, all fans working except GPU. please help!
Oh ok, so to clarify all your other system fans are spinning but your GPU fans do not?

If that is the case I would first double check to make sure you have plugged in all your power cables to the GPU correctly.

Would you also mind telling us model of the new GPU?

New GPU is GTX 750 TI, and the GPU is pushed into MOBO as much as possible and PCI is pushed in as well because the LED lights are green saying that it is plugged in. Is fan supposed to be running? I tried plugging HDMI into both GPU and MOBO.

Yes, your graphics card fans should be spinning when your system boots up.

Next steps to test:

- If you remove your current graphics card and plug your video cable into the mobo do you get a picture (this will make sure your PSU is working ok with everything else)

- Depending on what type it is, can you test your old graphics card with the new PSU?

- Do you have another system that you can test your new graphics card in?

There is certainly a chance that you got a bad graphics card an need to return it for a replacement.

Ok I have an update, somehow I got the display to show, only when hdmi is plugged into MOBO, GPU still not spinning and hdmi when out into GPU does not work. I downloaded the drivers for the GPU and it is showing that the GPU is the AMD Radeon R7. That's from my APU??