
Nov 15, 2013
I'm currently in the process of building my first computer and I decided to build outside the case to ensure everything works. I plug everything into the right place. Put in CPU (amd), put stock cpu cooler and plug it in. 24 pin plug from power supply, 8 pin cpu power, ram modules (2x4gb) and GPU and I put two pci express cables into it. I'm pretty noob at this but I'm pretty sure i did everything right. I plug in my hdmi (that defintley works) into the GPU and other end into my monitor. EVERYTHING is working, well atleast i think it is. I can hear everything, and all the fans are spinning even the GPU fans are spiinning. The problem is that there is NO DISPLAY. What are some things I can do to get display, or figure out what is wrong?

HELP! Thankyou.

Here's my build if it will be helpful to recognize my problem.
Make sure your 24 pin is Definitely in (my way of ghetto testing is to grab it by the plastic part and Lightly pull on it for 3 seconds to see if it comes off but not by the cables so you dont damage it at all)

Also some detailed system specs would be very helpful :)

Make sure your gpu is in the Primary PCIE slot and its all the way in till the slot makes that click noise and it is secured.

I would try another cable after that if your problems still exists and if that doesn't work then you might have a wonky ass Graphics card and will likely have to send it in for a replacement. Make sure you try everything though before you send it in.
Make sure your 24 pin is Definitely in (my way of ghetto testing is to grab it by the plastic part and Lightly pull on it for 3 seconds to see if it comes off but not by the cables so you dont damage it at all)

Also some detailed system specs would be very helpful :)

Make sure your gpu is in the Primary PCIE slot and its all the way in till the slot makes that click noise and it is secured.

I would try another cable after that if your problems still exists and if that doesn't work then you might have a wonky ass Graphics card and will likely have to send it in for a replacement. Make sure you try everything though before you send it in.

Updated post.

No it does not have a case speaker, and I only have an hdmi unfortunately... do you think that may be the problem? That the hdmi is faulty?

I'm pretty sure the board is working since everything is actually working because I can hear it and see the fans spinning. Would it be that the drivers aren't updated? ALSO would it help if I told you I got this card second hand? ty 4 help
Haha sorry I fell asleep last night. Definitely see if you can get a DVI-D cable and hook it up to a monitor just to see if its not the cable but likely its your GPU if it boots and you can hear the sounds.

Hey there, haha it's okay, so I tried to boot with a DVI cable went out today and purchased one. Still didn't work. Wat to do now? 🙁

Borrow a GPU if possible to test if its your Mobo/PCIE slot or your GPU.

Okay, I'll try get a hold of someone with a GPU. It's just going to be hard because I know one of my mate has a custom built pc. But he defintley won't let me borrow it. Do you think I could take it to a computer repair shop?

Yes if they repair computers there lol