No Display Pc

Jul 3, 2018
posting concerning my display not working.
Could what ever shows the display be going out? … As i was having problems with be able to run any type of game what so ever before this happen. Please help me. My pc even is running i know that but no display b/c the fans and all the lights come on.

lol thanks for understanding im really at the point where i want too throw this thing throw the wall.
AMD FX (tm)-6300 Six Core Processor 3.50 GHZ 3.9 when OC (Its not oc currently)
DDR3 x4 2GB Ram sticks. (8gb total) (5.97 GB usable)
x64 bit windows
1tb hard drive
MSI 970A-G46 (nvidia sli) (amd cross fire x) -Motherboard
XFX Grahpics card idk if that's what it is.
600 watt power supply.
I have 8 different fans on the case.