Question No display tried a lot of stuff


May 9, 2017
So I went and updated my bios to new got no display did the whole reset button on my mobo I reseated ram tried all that still no display

MOBO Crosshair hero vi
Everything I have is compatible thr PC has worked since I built it over a year ago today its like naw f you no display for you also it's not the monitor because it works

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas

Have tried most things I've seen posted on here
Remove/Change the CMOS battery.

If you touched the processor at all before or after the update, make sure it’s properly seated.

Remove the GPU and do a direct connection from Mobo display to your monitor.

I don’t know what you could do with no display out on the board itself. Maybe try a different GPU if you have one laying around or take it to a repair shop and have them test it.