I wanted to purchase a 660 ti in the mean time before I start saving money trying building a better computer. The problem is Hey everyone! I'm not sure if any 660 ti could fit in my computer. My current GPU is a Radeon HD 4850 that's about 8 inches in length. This computer is about 5-6 years old. It's an FX6800-01e. The motherboard is an Intel X58.
The problem though in the image below with the yellow circle where the Sata cable plugs into extrudes up a little (I know I'm asking to guys to see something you can't hardly see through a photo). I'm pretty sure a 660ti card would easily not fit because of just that small piece popping up. Second, the one with the red circle is what holds the cable in place in which I'm sure you guys already know. But trying to fit a card there would easily be blocked. I yanked on it a little and it's pretty hard to remove without some force. Then my last and final issue is the PCI slot on top. The cables to the right would block my card also. Every 660ti card I seen is at least 10 inches in length besides one which is 9 inches (EVGA GTX 660 Ti).
The second image is a closer look at the Sata cable
I'm not sure if I should just save up and get a different motherboard, bigger computer case, and a new CPU and just go on from there. I just wanted to play my current games and upcoming ones in a decent amount of FPS without low settings. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
The problem though in the image below with the yellow circle where the Sata cable plugs into extrudes up a little (I know I'm asking to guys to see something you can't hardly see through a photo). I'm pretty sure a 660ti card would easily not fit because of just that small piece popping up. Second, the one with the red circle is what holds the cable in place in which I'm sure you guys already know. But trying to fit a card there would easily be blocked. I yanked on it a little and it's pretty hard to remove without some force. Then my last and final issue is the PCI slot on top. The cables to the right would block my card also. Every 660ti card I seen is at least 10 inches in length besides one which is 9 inches (EVGA GTX 660 Ti).

The second image is a closer look at the Sata cable

I'm not sure if I should just save up and get a different motherboard, bigger computer case, and a new CPU and just go on from there. I just wanted to play my current games and upcoming ones in a decent amount of FPS without low settings. Thanks for taking the time to read this.