No image after motherboard&cpu switch


Feb 18, 2017
Well, yesterday i got myself an amd fx 8350 and the Asrock 970 Pro3 R2.0, after building in it didnt POST. Simply no signal coming from the Video card. Ive tried several steps described in the forums like the 2 giant checklists and breadboarding but nothing helped. Theres no beepcode coming from the speakers as well. I dont think its coming from the Video card because it worked 2 hours earlier, the last time i used the pc, nor do i think its the memory because ive tried several slot combinations and even completely without it for the beepcode, which wasnt coming. All the fans and leds work, the psu fan too.


Asrock 970 Pro R2.0
Amd fx 8350
Amd rx 460
600watt xilent psu
Cpu fan from the boxed fx8350
8gb ddr3 1600

If your other mobo (the mobo you're replacing?) gets the same problem now, the cause is probably the PSU.

The same issue ocurring 5 years ago...
Both the cpu and the board are 1 day old and werent used before, i checked the socket and the pins, everything is fine. But maybe The speaker doesnt work because i got it from my old mobo?
It may be the PSU or BIOS corruption... I know the mobo is new, but if you tried it (turned it on) before completely finishing it, the BIOS may have corrupted/conflicting settings, and they don't always recognise hardware and change settings automatically or rightaway so it's better to avoid playing with the computer before finishing it, so you better reset the BIOS and reset it correctly.

1. Remove the AC power cable or switch the PSU off,
2. next remove the mobo BIOS battery,
3. press the power button for a minute,
4. switch the BIOS jumper from 1 & 2 pins to 2 & 3 (this is redundant but insures a good reset),
5. next wait at least 10 minutes and try again.
Well thanks for your suggestions but unfortunately ive already tried The BIOS/CMOS reset, same issue. The Problem is, that ive tried to use my Old cpu and mobo, having The same issue, so i dont think RMAing both wont be that helpful
And I assume you did the BIOS reset correctly, following the regular and 5 minute reset doesn't always work. You may even have to do a second and third reset to 1 hour and a final reset leaving it resetting overnight. This to make sure the motherboard is not damaged... after that you can safely assume it is.

And the PSU? you said CPU and mobo are new but whatabout the PSU?

Also make sure the PSU connections to the motherboard and GPU are correctly and snuggly fitted.
:ange:Hahaha You sure know people like me well, i waited like 5 minutes. Ok ill try The bios reset again, maybe leaving it overnight, trying other suggestions tomorrow. My psu is kinda new, like half a year-ish. As for The connections: I think so, triple checked if they are spot on in
Sadly leaving it overnight resetting The Bios didnt work either. Do You have anything else in mind? 🙁 Also I noticed that the fans stop spinning after like 5-10 minutes, if that helps finding a solution
Fans stopping could be either motherboard or PSU... so if you can, either test the PSU in another computer, or borrow another PSU.. besides that the only alternative is RMAing both mobo and CPU which you may have to do after testing with another PSU.

One more possibility that you may have already tested(?) is the video output... that's; trying the monitor on every mobo and GPU video output just in case it's the BIOS setting which as far as I know should be in onboard VGA by default and if you're using a GPU remove it before testing the monitor on all the motherboard video ports.
Yeah I kinda suspect the psu since my other mobo used to work 2 hours before that incident but after I switched back to it I had the same problem with it. Since its a amd FX 8350 there's no vga output from the mobo. The only two outputs are on my gpu. HDMI and DVI-D. And another thing that is kinda strange and stops me from rmaing is that I worked carefully with both and followed the instructions in the manual, and even if I failed its kinda strange that even my other mobo gets the same problem now. I had the same issue around 5
years ago when I took all the parts from 2 PCs and built it in one case, but I fixed it somehow back then. Since I can't remember how I did that I'm struggling again with that issue. Kinda frustrating. I'll try all the suggestions, but before I rma that stuff I'll go to a store and let them search for the issue in one week.

If your other mobo (the mobo you're replacing?) gets the same problem now, the cause is probably the PSU.

The same issue ocurring 5 years ago, may have been due to components from different PCs being put together... the BIOS has a set of components in memory and when you replace them with different ones, it may take longer to recognise them and you may have to restart it several times before it posts, or you may need to erase BIOS settings in memory with a reset... If the display remained blank from the second you pressed the power switch, it may have been caused by old/damaged mobo capacitors that needed time to preload before the mobo started working.