[SOLVED] No image error code 97 on mobo

May 12, 2020
I recently got a new graphics card xfx Radeon 580 8gb. When I start up my pc all the guns run but screen goes straight to hibernation mode my mouse and keyboard lights just dim out I can unplug them and plug them back in and the lights come on and dim out again

I’m running an
AsRock 970 extreme 4 mobo
Amd fx8320 processor
2 Corsair vengeance 8gb ram drives 2 cpu fans
Thermaltake smart 700watt 80+ psu
The pc works with my old graphics card nvidia GeForce gtx 1050ti,
I’m thinking it’s one of 2 things either a bios update or the psu as it’s recommended a 600 watt psu I’d figure mine was good but not sure just want some input thanks in advance.
Thermaltake 700w is more than enough for a 580 so I doubt it's that.

There are no BIOS updates relating to graphics card support on ASRock site:

https://www.asrock.com/mb/amd/970 extreme4/#BIOS

Faulty card?

I can't think of anything else.

Any chance you can try the 580 on another machine?
Sadly no I wish I had another machine to try it on I’ll probably have it exchanged and see if another one doesn’t work