no increase in FPS after overclocking my GPU, why?


Jul 7, 2013
hi! i have a SLI setup with a gtx 760. i increased the GPU clock offset by 100 and memory clock offset by 850 using GPU tweak, the default program that came with the asus version of the 760s. at set stable voltages and as it stands it dosn't crash. however i am comfused, because, monitoring my FPS i notice there is no increase at all. i was thinking that instead of recieving higher frames, it maintains a higher average, being more stable and never dropping too low. thats my theory. or am i doing something wrong here? can someone please help i believe i should see a increase in frames per second. :-(
As you have increased your clock speed by approximately 10% I would guess the best increase you could hope for in fps is 10% but these things are never that linear. At 10% increase if you had 40fps before the absolute best you could hope for would be 44fps. For such small variances it would come down to how you were actually measuring your fps
i5-2550k @4.5 ghz, my motherboard is a msi, 16.0 GB ram 2133mhz, SLI gtx 760 asus.
i do not get a increase or decrease of FPS while running lets say BF 2 90 to 120 fps average.