No internet when restarting the computer


Mar 3, 2016
So hey guys, I've been having some very annoying problem with my connection, when I restart my computer while my router is ON, I can still see that I have connection but when the PC goes on again the icon shows as if there's internet but I can't access any site saying that the DNS server isn't responding, first I thought it was a Windows problem (because I just reinstalled my windows last month) so I went yesterday and reinstalled everything again, wiped all the drivers etc.. as if it was a new PC installation but still the problem arises, the thing about this is that it's not only when I restart my PC... but also happens when I launch some applications, for example when I launch H1Z1, it stucks on the launcher and I can't even get my hand to play the game even if I restart the router...

PS: I'm running on the latest drivers, and also my MOBO supports Killer so I'm using the Killer Port, although I tried to use the default one too but I face the same problem and this made me think that it's not a hardware related problem.., I hope you can help me I've done so much research but never managed to find someone with this exact problem
After some tests I figured out it's the router which is causing the problem, and I tried to reconfigure it and nothing happened, is it time for a new router?